Intermediate Expo for Young Scientists

The Intermediate Phase held a mini Expo on 6 November. After a month of hard work and a bit of a crash course on how to compile a project, they presented their work. Mr du Toit, Dr Stott, Miss Steyn and Mrs Gouws adjudicated the projects. After two hours of interviewing and moderating, learners whose projects merited awards were given a first, second or third class.


The judges selected an overall first, second and third prize. Iliya Matveyuk and Joseph Grobler won third prize with their project, ‘Do it Cool’. They received a cash prize of R20 each. Second prize went to Heinrich Marloth and Caleb Thiem for their project, ‘Grab it.’ They received R50 each. The winning project, ‘Can you hear it? ‘, was done by Estelle Pretorius and she received R100.

I am sure the exposure they received through these projects will aid them in the Senior Phase. It is a pity that they will not be able to continue to an external competition. Next year we hope to repeat this exercise in the beginning of the year so that they may have the chance of proceeding to the Durban Expo.

Mr W du Toit