There’s nothing like a Christmas market to get you into the season and a country Christmas market adds a wholesome dimension – homemade cookies, authentic wood, handmade leather, healthy plants, genuine games and activities for kids – what more could you ask?

The 2023 Christmas Market was the 4th market hosted by DSS and it was a good mix of traditional and modern. Modern triangular shaped trees with traditional lights. Modern children playing traditional music. Modern biscuits and cakes baked using traditional recipes. A modern ‘horse’ pulling a traditional sleigh. The modern and the traditional combination appeals to our visitors, some of whom have never experienced Christmas in the traditional sense.

The DSS community pulled out all the stops this year, making the Christmas Market a truly memorable one. The food selection definitely hit the right spot. DSS Catering produced an array of food choices and gave the client the chance to cook their own Chinese braai or meat of their choice on open fires. The salad bar was also a new introduction which proved very popular. Hamburgers, chips, pizzas, samosas, spring rolls, curry and rice were the order of the day.

The stalls offered an amazing assortment of food and goods. New stalls created interest – Pre-loved Treasures and Mike’s Gadgets had many visitors and buyers. The larger furniture pieces from Pre-loved Treasures were auctioned to the highest bidder. The Toss and Shake offered homemade ice-cream, milkshakes, pancakes and waffles – a new addition to this year’s market. Market Art sold artwork from school and community artists.

An outdoor event is always dependent on the weather and what beautiful weather we had. God was good to us.